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Love. Every. Day

It's the day after the "Big V" and here we all sit -- basking in the pungent fragrance from the bouquets of flowers surrounding us and feeling satisfied (or constipated) from the many bon-bons we've ingested in the last 24 hours.

Lets face it, Valentines Day is neither here nor there. Not everyone has a "significant other" and most people are confident enough in themselves (and/or in their primary relationships) that if no gift is afforded them they know they'll still happily carry on.

In my lifetime I've received some nice gifts from not only my spouse, but others too. When I think back, however, it's not the "big" stuff that springs immediately to mind, or any specific date in the year. Rather, it's the smaller, unexpected things that hold tight with sticky tape inside my memory bank.

Like: the "I've been thinking of/praying for you today" text or call just when I needed it most.

Or: the note I found stuffed under my windshield wiper once. The words were scribbled on plain white paper and read, "I just want to encourage you and thank you for what you do". I found it after a really tough shift one day. I still don't know who wrote that, but I remember what it meant to me.

Another time: I was encouraged with a smile and a "Here! Let me help you" from a stranger, after I'd embarrassed myself by dumping a whole vat of sour cream on the floor in the grocery store.

Okay ... perhaps it could be argued that I remember odd things, but I'm guessing you might too.

It's inside those precious and sometimes precarious moments that love and kindness for others is expressed.

So, this brings me to my point. It's not just on one special day of the year that love is, or should be, demonstrated. It's: Every. Day.

Being shown love by others, no matter the size of the gesture, is wonderful. BUT -- showing love to others is even a bigger blessing!

SO, as we move further away from that "special" day in February, lets remember Who showed us the most love anyone ever could, and lets remind ourselves of what we're here to do: from Romans 12, verse 10:

"Be devoted to one another in love. Honour one another above yourselves." (NIV)

With Love and Gratitude For All of You Who Read my Blogs,

Pattie Janzen

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