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So Much to Celebrate!

I'm just at the tail end of being sick with a brutal cold and I find myself tired and cranky. I feel sorry for the poor man who has been suffering from the same thing and is held captive with me inside this very small apartment condo. It has not been lost on me that I have been acting worse than the man with a cold in this household. Shameful, I know.

In my fevered state a thought began running through my mind. Although people may not believe this, it is well documented in the Bible that Jesus lived a sinless life. (Verse examples: 2 Corinthians 5:21, Hebrews 4:15, 1 John 3:5, etc.) Sinless. He walked this earth for 33 years and He never sinned. Since He was fully God I've thought this might have been easier for Him, but then I remember -- He was also fully "man".

Jesus must have had sicknesses too. Everyone does. He must have felt irritated by those around Him. Everyone does. He was tempted, just like everyone else. BUT ... He never even once threw caution to the wind and just went with it, only thinking of Himself. WHY? Because He knew ... He was born to die for the temptations we give in to. He thought of US and was willing to take the fall for every one of our sins. For MY sins.

Its a humbling thing when I think that He knew me, along with all of my weaknesses, even before I was born. He knew you too, yet still He loved us enough to stick it out on earth, not letting any temptation sway Him. He purposely died and rose again for each and every one of us!


This Christmas, when thinking about that baby born on Christmas day, not only should we raise our praises to heaven and thank God for sending us His Son in that special way. We should also praise His Son for not giving in to what I, at least, easily succumb to. That He loved the world enough to carry out His daunting mission is something to be truly thankful for in this season, and all year long.

"And we have seen and testify that the Father has sent His Son to be the Savior of the world. If anyone acknowledges that Jesus is the Son of God, God lives in them and they in God. And so we know and rely on the love God has for us." 1 John 4:14-16 NIV

My prayer for you is that you will each enjoy your time with family and friends this Christmas. Sometimes that's easier said than done. I know my own family suffers from relationship challenges, and I grieve the passing of a few of my close relatives and friends every time Christmas comes along. But, as we hold close those we still have left here, lets remember the love of Jesus -- a love that didn't fail us as He walked on the earth and will never fail us now.

"For unto us a child is born, unto us a Son is given, ... and His name will be called Wonderful, Counselor, Mighty God, Everlasting Father, Prince of Peace!"  Isaiah 9:6-7 (NKJV)

Merry Christmas Everyone! May you feel God's peace surround you as you celebrate.

With love,


The Winner of the Christmas draw for a FREE book is: Kerry Jo M! Congratulations!!

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