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Isn't it GREAT when something new happens in our lives? Of course, I'm talking only about what we see as "good" here. NEW can mean a change that makes us feel bad and sad, and rocks us to our core, as well. I've certainly been there and I'm sure you have too. Sometimes those sorts of circumstances seem to even happen more often than the happy ones.

For today, I'm talking about a new sort of something that makes us feel excited, joyful, exhilarated and finds us waking with a spring in our step, instead of the dragged-out feeling that begs for five cups of coffee before our feet hit the floor. Of course, at this age "spring in my step" refers more to the excitement I feel in my heart, rather than physically. But I digress.

I believe the authentic elation of a new happenstance occurred much more frequently when I was younger -- maybe for you too. Every year, Christmas was one new day that brought serious glad tidings to this girl. Other events that put a smile on my face and laughter into my voice were: graduating from anything, getting married and having a baby. Those are the BIG events that I still remember so fondly.

But more than the biggies, joy can come to us with far less hype.

Take this website, for instance. In all honesty, I have never before felt excited about this. I enjoy writing my thoughts down and I appreciate you -- the kindhearted people who read them -- but the whole "I have a website" is nothing I've ever felt thrilled about ... until today.

This may be for more than one reason but I think it comes down to this: Someone I dearly love accepted my plea to take a look and when asked if she'd think about redesigning it -- Wow! She said YES!

Anyone who knows me, is brutally aware of how tech-challenged (nice term for it) I am.

So, I tear up today, thinking about all the work she's done, while asking for nothing in return, and if I could I'd hug her so hard right now for she is the reason I woke up with a feeling of excitement today -- even about a website.

New things. It's not about the "things", is it? It all comes down to the special people involved inside our happiest times.

Whether it be winning an award, being given a precious gift ... or even something much smaller, like launching a new look to your website -- it's ALL ABOUT THE PEOPLE who encourage us, cherish and love us, or ... take pity on us. I hadn't thought of that until just now. Maybe it was all pity ...

Nonetheless, today I feel thankful to God for placing me in a family who has Candace Enslen in it. She has been a blessing to me, far more than she can know.

I feel so so thankful for the many precious people God has placed, specifically for me, in my life.

I hope when you look at the people in your life, that you feel that as well. And I hope that you know Jesus and you feel His love in any and all of the new and exciting things that are ahead for you in your life!

"Because of the Lord's great love we are not consumed, for His compassions never fail. They are new every morning; great is your (His) faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22&23

NOTE: As well as an additional HUGE thanks to Candace for her recent work, a special thank you, once again, to Taylor Hintz who set this website up for me, over a year ago. I will always be grateful that he got me started, even though I wasn't excited about it then.

Also: If you don't catch my humour column, "Laugh at Life", published in the Parkland Marketplace, some of those articles have now been published on this website!

I think most of us would agree ... it's always great to have a good laugh! Enjoy!!

AND: If you received a confusing email in your Inbox yesterday, my apologies. Please trash that and try to forget it ever happened. But THANKYOU for bearing with me and reading this today.


Pattie Janzen

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