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Through it All

I'm writing this in the evening of November 14th, 2023. It's been a tiring day today. Exhausting, actually.

I've been challenged with a small medical problem since August and I have learned that I am not a fan of tolerating discomfort for any length of time. I can certainly say that now I empathize much more with those who struggle feeling pain every day.

I thought I had a high pain tolerance, based on the measly fact that I refused any analgesia or anesthesia when giving birth to each of our three children. Chronic pain, however, is another beast and is clearly not my cup of tea. But as irritating as this has become, I feel that I have no right to complain because other people I know are suffering with issues much worse than my own. AND ... I cannot help them.

It's awful to watch someone you love go through a painful procedure or operation, an unpleasant treatment that may or may not be hopeful, a person grieving a death of someone closest to them, or an emotional hurt that cuts so deep you can't help or even reach out to them in any effective way.

Have you ever felt as if your purpose gets muddled then, and although you may think and pray that you're helping (even in the smallest way) you know there's nothing you can do to make it better for them?

I've felt that this last while, more than a few times. I've cried out to God to help me be at least a small light in their lives, even when I suspect I'm doing nothing.

For the person suffering, and the person watching, if I can give you any encouragement, here's a verse I cling to.

Romans 8:28 (NIV) says, "And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love Him, who have been called according to His purpose."

He IS good, even when we can't see it.

The rest of that chapter tells us that we are more than conquerors. Truly, if God is FOR US, who can be against us? No one. If we believe in Him, Jesus covers and holds us through everything we feel and experience - all our sadness, our grief, our pain, our mistakes and our every trouble.

Although, as I write this, I may not feel Him as close as I often do, I know He is here with me. And if you belong to God, He's right there with you now, and will never leave. That same chapter in Romans sums it up perfectly:

"... neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the LOVE of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord." (NIV)

Admittedly, I seem to be writing this for me today, but I hope if you're going through a tough time too that these few words encourage you as well.

GOD IS FOR US!! And He loves us with a never-ending love - through it all.

Again, if anyone would like me to pray for anything specific, it would be my honour. Options: leave a message on this webpage, email me privately @, or call/text @ 306-621-7544.



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